Episode 44: The Light Therapy Video
Improve emotional health and well being in midlife with light therapy. Light therapy can improve energy and sleep in midlife.
The Holidays are coming and the twinkling lights of the season are bright and heart warming. But...
The short days and extra darkness are no joke!
Many of us struggle during these months with an extra sense of BLAH. It can be hard to feel motivated and energetic, especially when it's getting dark for many of us before 5:00 pm. And while we can't change the rotation of the Earth or where we are in proximity to the equator, we also don't have to grin and bare the winter blahs. Light therapy, in it's many forms, is a simple and effective way to vibrantly get through the months ahead. And, it's our topic of discussion in this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne.
Light therapy is absolutely a great way to combat a decrease in sunlight, but it has other benefits as well. Plus, there are varying forms of light therapy. Learn more below:
Dr. Lynne likes the JOUVE. It's a long panel of red light that you hang on a wall and stand in front of. Benefits- mood balance, immune support, energy, skin health
Dr. Brooke uses a light box every morning in the winter months. Benefits- Mimics the sun. Mood enhancement. Helps set circadian rhythym (for stress management and sleep support).