Episode 46: The Meaningful Conversation Video
midlife, midlife women, over 40 women, connection in midlife, meaning in midlife, extrovert, introvert, life after kids
We love turkey, pumpkin pie, football, and small talk, but can we make getting together with family and friends more meaningful during this holiday season?
How can we embrace getting together? How can we really connect with the people we're spending time with?
At holiday gatherings, often the entire meal, if not the whole day goes by with only scratch the surface small talk. Even worse, the conversation can end in heated debate over something like politics or parenting styles which can lead to hurt feelings. But in midlife, we want more meaning, we want to walk away from time spent with family and friends with a full heart. We want connection. And, we want to create lasting memories. So in this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're talking about how to have meaningful conversation at the holiday table and other special occasions.
It's very simple actually. Dr. Lynne and Dr. Brooke's mom have been doing it for years. It's a simple game, or exercise if you will, of taking a group through thoughtful and intentional question while at the dinner table. Here's what to do...Have the questions planned before hand. Start with one person and rotate around the table, until each person has had an opportunity to answer. Everyone has to participate. WARNING: you may get some push back from people, especially teens, but be persistent and keep the activity moving. You'll find that eventually every one gets on board and even really enjoys it! Here's a few sample questions/ideas
If you were given a million dollars, where would you go?
What's your biggest regret in life?
What are you most thankful for this year?
What's one of your favorite Thanksgiving (or insert other holiday) memories?
(If it's a birthday celebration) Go around the table and have everyone tell one thing they love or admire about the birthday person
NOTE: You could also have one person start by picking another person at the table and say something they find really special about them. Then that person pics the next person, to say something special about, and so on. If there are adults and kids at the table, it helps to have adults pick a kid and vice versa.
You may be surprised at the conversation, dialogue, and memory sharing that evolves. We have such wonderful memories and lots of laughter from playing the "question game" at dinner parties and holidays. Watch this week episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne to hear about some of our favorite heart-felt and funny memories. We'll also give you tips on what to do and what not to do to keep the conversation moving smoothly. All you have to do is click the picture above to watch The Meaningful Conversation Video. One last piece of advice, please no controversial questions. Instead, ask question that allow people to showcase themselves and highlight who they are so you can get to know each other on a deeper level.
A great dinner must include not only yummy food, but good conversation.
-Laurie David