Episode 55: The PRP vs. Laser Video
In this episode of Life after Kids, we’re discussing natural ways to enhance your appearance in midlife. We’ll tell you how PRP and laser treatment compare and contrast, how they work, and what to expect. PRP and laser treatment are both good options for midlife women who want to slow the aging process naturally.
Let's FACE it (see what we did there?!) To some extent we all care about the look of our face as we age.
Beauty looks different for each of us. We won't all choose the same path when it comes to the way we age. And that's ok. Can we all agree, that regardless of whether we choose a more conservative or more aggressive approach to aging, when we look our best, we feel our best. So it's important to discuss the health of our skin and our physical appearance in midlife.
In this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're comparing and contrasting two beauty industry technologies used to enhance physical appearance with a more natural approach. No judgement from either of us, but we both choose a more conservative approach to aging and we aren't seeking to change our appearance drastically. So today we're discussing PRP treatments and laser facials. We want you to know the ins and outs of each treatment and what to expect so you can choose a path that's best for you, (if any).
A few highlights:
Both procedures can be done without topical anesthesia, but if you want to go a little deeper, a topical numbing cream can be applied prior to treatment to make you more comfortable.
PRP has very little down time and only slight redness following the procedure
Depending on the laser treatment you choose, you could have a few days of down time and will need to stay out of the sun
Both procedures are relatively non invasive without the use of injectables or foreign chemicals
PRP and Laser treatments work by causing stress/trauma to the skin so your body is coaxed into healing mode which will produce collagen and brand new skin cells.
Make sure you click the picture above to watch the PRP vs. Laser Video so you can learn exactly what happens with each procedure and what to expect. We'll also tell you what our favorite treatment is. At the end of the day, wherever you fall on the spectrum of beauty procedures, can we all agree to stay in our own lane and stop expecting other women to approach aging the way we choose?
Don't worry about what every body else is doing. Do what feels right and best to you. And, be realistic about how far you're willing to go when it comes to your face and remember that many of the women we see on tv have taken drastic steps to look the way they do. Often, we're chasing after an ideal that is unattainable. However, our appearance as we age does matter. It's ok to start thinking about and determining how you want to age.