Episode 22: The Posture Video
We've all seen them. The elderly person who's hunched over, shoulders rounding, head forward, shuffling along, barely able to stand up straight.
Posture is a key piece of vitality, one of our four foundations to thriving in midlife. When you have proper posture, you move well, you stand taller, and you function better. Maybe you think this isn't something you need to worry about at this age, but we're here to remind you that everything you do now sets you up for how you'll live and be 10,20,30, even 40 years from now.
Our posture is so important to how we look, move, and feel. Unfortunately, as a society, our posture is getting worse because we sit too much and we're on computers or our phones constantly. That's why Episode 22 of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, is all about POSTURE! And, we're talking about how to improve it Here's a sneak peak...
1. Strengthen your vertical core
2. Keep your spine healthy with chiropractic care
3. Foam roll to open your upper back
4. Cervical retraction exercises
Bottom line, our genetic makeup doesn't control our health and our genes don't control our posture. Our lifestyle does. We get to choose what our health and posture will look like in the years to come. Watch this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne to learn more about posture and how to improve it so you can make the right choices. Click the picture above to get started.