Episode 24: The Relationship Video

How's your relationship with your spouse?  Is it time to check in and refocus on your significant other?!

For years our time and energy has been spent raising our kids. So, it's very common to neglect our relationship with our spouse. Everything we do is centered around the kids and their activities. We watch them perform. We take them on weekend outings. Typically a dinner out includes the kids. And, along the way, quality alone time with our spouse suffers. Because of this, it's very common to hit midlife, realize your kids are growing up and prepping to leave the house, then wonder if you and your spouse even know each other anymore.

Often, we're concerned about what our relationship is going to look like once the kids are gone. We can question whether or not we're still connected enough to enjoy life together sans kids. In this episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're discussing our relationship with our spouse in midlife and how to reconnect and rekindle the flame.

We need to be proactive and intentional about our relationship with our spouse in midlife so we can live an engaging and fun life. Here are a few helpful action steps you an take:

  1. Start the conversation with your spouse. Check in with them.

  2. Read The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

  3. Understand yourself and your spouse better with tools like the enneagram and Gallup Strengths Finder

  4. Tell your spouse what you need from them.

  5.  Work on yourself.  Be the person you want your spouse to be.

  6. Schedule a weekly date night.

Prioritizing our relationships are key to thriving in midlife and ensuring we live in a vibrant and meaningful way.  Take a deeper dive into this discussion by clicking the picture above to watch The Relationship Video.

Simply love your spouse better today than you did yesterday.
        -Aaron and April Jacob


Episode 25: The Summertime Video


Episode 22: The Posture Video