Episode 25: The Summertime Video
Well Hello there, Summer, how we've missed you!
Summer is the perfect time of year to take advantage of the warm weather and long days by getting outside to move your body. In this episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne we're talking about SUMMERTIME and all of the outdoor activities you can enjoy to get your body moving.
Vitality is one of the Four Foundations to THRIVING in MIDLIFE. If you want to be vital, healthy, and strong in this phase of life, you must move your body everyday. It's not enough to just take an exercise class or lift weights a few times a week. To have great function, mobility, posture, and overall vitality, you must move your body often and you must move your body in a variety of ways. Human beings were designed to be on their feet and moving throughout the day. But, in todays world, with desk jobs and technology, we sit far more than we ever have. Summer is the perfect time to get out of your chair and get your body moving! We have a few ideas to get you started below.
walk the dogs
shoot hoops with the kids
Let's get physical with this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne. To get started, click the picture above. And, one more thing, when engaging in outdoor activities, don't be afraid to be playful and childlike, it's good for your emotional health and it will keep you young! Remember, age is just a number and you're never too old for play.
Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson