Episode 27: The Aging Well Video
Let's face it. A large portion of our population isn't aging well.
Unfortunately the older we get very often the more medications we take, the more functional restrictions we have, and the less we're enjoying our years. Collectively, we've done a good job of adding quantity to our years, but what good is living longer if our quality of life is suffering? The good news is you're in control of your life and your health. And, everything you do now determines how you will age. So, in this episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're talking about The Four Foundations we must put our time, energy, and intention into so we can be there for our family and we can live well.
If we don't have key, specific areas to turn our attention to, we can get overwhelmed because there is so much different information coming at us. Because of this, we usually don't know where to start so we don't take any action at all.
The Four Foundations to Thriving in Midlife are:
Vitality (physical health)
Resilience (emotional balance)
Purpose (who are you and what do you do best)
Beauty (inner and outer)
Each of these foundations overlap and interconnect. And, each one is necessary for living our best midlife. For example, you can eat healthy foods all day long and exercise daily, but if you aren't managing your stress or you're an emotional wreck, you'll never be as physically healthy as you could be. Also, you can know your purpose and know yourself well, but if you aren't physically healthy or emotionally balanced, you won't show up and contribute to the world as your best self.
When we focus on improving these four areas, we will thrive in midlife. Have a deeper discussion with us by watching this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne. Get started by clicking the picture above.
The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are.
The Privilege Of A Lifetime Is To Become Who You Really Are.
-Carl Jung