Episode 4: The Morning Routine Video
Tell us, what does your morning look like? Do you hit the ground running into the pile of "to do's" on your list with barely time for a cup of hot coffee or tea? Do you rely on that steamy hot beverage to open your eyes and wake you up so you have enough energy for your day? Are you rushing all morning without a moment for yourself?
If this sounds like you then we need to talk, friend. Because how you start your day is how you do your day and if you want to step it up a notch in your Life after Kids then you need to be intentional with your morning.
Click here for our FREE GUIDE TO MORE ENERGY AND MOTIVATION that we mention in the video!
And we've got good news for you! We're giving practical tips for a stellar morning routine in our latest episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne. Here's a quick snippet:
Choose a routine that works for you. We're all a little different and so are our schedules, so do what works best for you. There's no one right way to do a morning routine
Start small, pick one or two things that resonate with you and will fit easily into your schedule
Consistency is key
Just get started. That's the hardest part. Put one foot in front of the other and on the days you don't feel like it, "fake it til you make it". Eventually your attitude/emotions will catch up with your body.
Dr. Lynne discusses starting her day with a gratitude practice.
Dr. Brooke shares the importance of going outside first thing in the morning and how it affects sleep and her emotional health.
Ready for an awesome morning followed by an even better day? Get started with this week's honest conversation. Click the picture above to watch Episode 4: The Morning Routine Video