Episode 59: The Vitamin D Video
In this episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne we’re discussing the importance of vitamin for midlife women. Vitamin D is necessary for physical and emotional health in midlife.
Is it a super vitamin or a hormone? Depends on who you ask...
Regardless, vitamin D is the single most important vitamin for us to take in this phase of life, especially this time of year if you live state side. Vitamin D is unlike most vitamins in that it does so many remarkable things in the body and it is next to impossible to get enough of it from food sources. You can, however, get all the vitamin D your body needs from the sun, but since we like to slather on sunscreen and stay in the shade, supplementing is imperative. Furthermore, even if you go outside daily, in the winter months, if you live far from the equator, the sun isn't in the right place in the sky for you to get the necessary amount of vitamin D your body needs to stay healthy. Here in New England, we need to supplement from October through May at a minimum.
For midlife women, vitamin D is especially important because it helps deposit calcium in our bones which keeps them healthy and strong. And, if we want to age well, we must protect and strengthen our skeletal system now! It also strengthens our immune system and provides emotional support. In this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're taking a deep dive into all things vitamin D. We've added a few highlights below.
Vitamin D is a very inexpensive supplement and it's easy to take. 1000IU-5000IU daily is usually sufficient
Test your vitamin D levels so you know your starting point. Ask your PCP, functional doctor, or other health practitioner to order the test for you. Or, you can purchase inexpensive tests online that you can do at home.
Ideal levels for women our age are between 50-80ng/ml
Signs that your levels might be low: fatigue, sleeping problems, hair loss, emotional issues, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, and weakened immune system
Low levels of vitamin D are also linked to heart issues and cancer
Always take vitamin D with K2 to ensure proper calcium absorption