Are you a passenger or the driver in YOUR life?

I read a magazine article the other day about a woman in midlife who was diagnosed with a brain tumor and given only 6 months to live. Obviously, this is horrible, but thankfully this particular story has a happy ending. The woman not only regained her health, but she was so fueled by the whole process of dealing with her cancer diagnosis that she went on to start a major company that develops chemical-free beauty products (side note: she was told by her doctor that her tumor may have been triggered by environmental causes) and her products are now sold all over the world. Not to mention she’s getting some pretty cool props in a well known and glamorous magazine article.

I want to draw your attention to something she said at the end of the article that struck me really hard. “Before my treatment, I was just a passenger in my life. Afterward, I stepped into my superpower.”

Oh man! How many times do we hear stories like this- something traumatic or life-threatening happens and even in the midst of some really awful situations, the pain that results becomes the catalyst that steers that person directly toward their life’s purpose.

In every situation there is a silver lining. And although our biggest gifts can sometimes come out of our worst circumstances, what if it didn’t have to take place like that? What if you could find your life’s purpose without having to navigate through an emotionally exhausting obstacle or a harrowing brush with death?

They say God whispers before he yells. If that’s true, it’s easy to see that “the yelling” is the cancer diagnosis, our kid’s leaving home or other tragic major life disruption. So, then it’s possible there were whispers that came before. Little nudges that look liked missed opportunities to step outside our comfort zone or take a step toward finding our purpose in life.

I really believe that most people want to live more intentionally and be the drivers in their life but they don’t really know their purpose or even where to begin. And usually what happens is we get ambushed by the daily grind and the routine and instead of moving forward with any momentum, we end up feeling stuck and unaccomplished.

If this is you I want you to know that you were created for a purpose and you don’t have to wait for the gears to fall off before you can go find it! You deserve to find the things in life that allow you to contribute to the world in a way that has you excited and makes you feel like you were born to do it. As a Strengths coach I help my clients uncover and harness their natural talents and abilities. Your combination of natural talents are the key to your Superpower. When you know better you do better.

Ready to take the wheel?

xo Dr. Lynne


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