Episode 11: The Vitality Video
Did you know that we regenerate our cells every 3-6 months?! It's true! Our physical bodies are literally being made anew several times a year. And that, friends, is very good news. Why? Because it means we have a say in what our bodies and physical health will be like in this next phase of our life. We can choose how we age. MIDLIFE and what comes after can be our best years.
If we want to make Life after Kids our best years yet, then it's absolutely necessary to have a focus on our physical health and fitness. That's why we're discussing VITALITY, our Third Foundation, in this weeks episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne.
We love this word. It's all about strength, power, energy, and physical fitness/health. It's about being strong in our bodies so we can do all the things!
As midlife women, here are 3 KEY THINGS to focus on when it comes to VITALITY and your physical fitness:
Lean Muscle