Episode 13: The Lonely Video
We've reached midlife, and at this stage in the game, we're old enough not to care about the bullshit! We want real meaningful conversation, not frivolous gossip. We want real, "let's go deep", "let's get to know each other" conversation.
Small talk and gossip is like junk food. They only sustain you for so long.
Dr. Lynne
We all crave love and connection. It's a necessity in our life just like oxygen. But, many of us, even if we have plenty of people around, still feel lonely. Why is that? And what can we do about it? We're discussing all aspects of LONELINESS in this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne.
If you're feeling particularly lonely or unhappy in midlife, it may be a sign that you're NOT doing life with people who see you and know you at a core level. It may be time to foster new relationships. Here's a few practical tips to get you started...
Find places to build new friendships. Some examples are: church groups, book clubs, the gym, running groups, or a hobby club
Reconnect with old friend you haven't seen in a while, think high school and college
Don't be afraid to be you and to put yourself out there
Be the friend that you are looking for (show up and give what you hope to get back)