Episode 8: The Enneagram Video
We're in an interesting season of life. Most of us have spent the first part doing for others, striving to fit in, and hoping to make the people in our life happy. In midlife, it's time to do more for ourselves. It's time to get to know ourselves better, to be our own person and stand out instead of always just trying to fit in. It's time to take all that we've learned in the first part of our life and use it to figure out what makes us light up.
IT'S TIME TO UNDERSTAND OURSELVES BETTER AND FIND OUR PURPOSE. Often, we can go down this path by simply learning from life lessons from our past. But sometimes, we need a little extra help and a few good tools in our tool box to help us along the way. The Enneagram is one of those tools.
In our latest episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're talking about The Enneagram, a system of 9 personality types that describe how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. And, we're discussing how this relates to our purpose and to the growth of our relationships.
Here's the skinny on the enneagram:
It's an ancient tool that has been used by civilizations for thousands of years.
Many believe it originated with the ancient Sufi's
The enneagram has 9 personality types and is set up in a circular formation, much like a clock.
Each of the 9 types has a different number it goes to in times of ease and health, as well as another number it goes to in times of stress.
Each personality type operates from either the head, the gut, or the heart
So if you're ready to hear more about the enneagram as a way to MANAGE YOUR EMOTIONS, UNDERSTAND YOURSELF, and STRENGTHEN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS, click the picture above to watch Episode 8: The Enneagram Video