The 4 Foundations Video

Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne
Welcome to Episode 2: The 4 Foundations Video:

Do you feel like you're living your life on a hamster wheel?  Does your day consist of checking the box on all the things on your to do list, only to go to bed at night knowing you're just going to get up and do it all over again? Or maybe your days are getting less busy and you're looking around wondering what's next.  It kinda makes you feel like you're living in the movie, "Ground Hog's Day".   Do you get it?  Do you feel this way too? 

Well, listen up!  In this video we're discussing the 4 FOUNDATIONS for having a meaningful and vibrant Life after Kids.  We're talking about finding PURPOSE and BEAUTY, and focusing on RESILIENCE (emotional health) and VITALITY (physical health) in the midst of all the "to do's".  Honestly, it's possible, but you have to be willing to put a plan in place to live your life intentionally.   Please don't feel overwhelmed, we've got all kinds of awesome and more importantly practical content prepared to help you along the way.

Dr. Lynne talks about how important it is to find moments of BEAUTY/joy during your busy and sometimes mundane day.  She shares a few simple things she does to bring her joy and positivity.  Hey DJ, cue the music!

Dr. Brooke addresses VITALITY (physical health) and the importance of exercise and moving your body, not because you want to look a certain way, but because it's absolutely necessary for RESILIENCE (mental and emotional health).  There's much more to come on this topic.

Then there's PURPOSE, and ladies, this is Dr. Lynne's wheel house!  She's spent years learning about her own path in life and helping other people along their path by unlocking their unique strengths.  One simple way to get started is by simply asking someone you trust and care about how they see you.  Ask them what your strengths are.  Ask them what they think you do really well.  Ask how you show up the best for them.  These conversations are so important, and yet we don't have enough of them.  Don't be afraid to talk to those you love.  Very often, they see things in us that we don't see in ourselves.  And, this is so important, because who doesn't struggle with a sense of self worth and what we bring to the world.

On that note, start laying the foundation for a vibrant Life after Kids with this week's honest conversation.


Episode 3: The Goal Setting Video


Episode 1: The Getting to Know You Video